Thursday, November 23, 2006

A rainy day, some buds and leaves.

I hate to start again with this infamous dialogue of mine,"It's been
long since I blogged".
I have a feeling I have used the above sentence previously:-) Never
My latest digital acquisition has been a digicam, and you know what
follows, a series of misadventures with the new machine.
Precisely, I too followed the ritual. And I present before thee, my
fellow bloggers, the results of my misadventures.
Well, seriously, I think its not all that bad for a greenhorn.
And people, do any of you know any website, that gives proper tutorials
on photography. There are lots, if you google. BUt then, any
comprehensive and sensible site?
Hey guys, you know what, already a couple of my friends have the photos
that I took, as their desktop wallpapers:-)
But, miles to go.
IN my workplace, blogspot is firewalled:-(
So it isnt very easy for me to catch up on your blogs, next time when I
get to read you blogs, please do have the "Subscribe for posts" option
on, so I'll get them in my mailbox. And thanks for that in advance!
Am right now, enjoying new place, new people, new found interests(I
never used to listen to mumsic seriously, meaning, I would have some
favourites, and never experiment beyond that, ,but me been exploring in
that direction too, photography(which I think I'll positively continue,
and thanks to my senior and good friend Arun, for instilling that
interest in me))
Noticed that religious double closing of braces??? *sigh* software
instincts :-)

Over to the much awaited pictures:

Last weekend, I had been to my hometown, Coimbatore. It rained, but not
cats and dogs, ,but really pleasant and incessant rain. The evening,
when it stopped raining for a while, I went out to terrace garden to get
these shots.
A budding Jasmine

A dementor flying away

Earth's casuals

My favourite