Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Hi all,
2day was an ordinary day out of the heap…though profcom hour was a bit shocking …to come across such a level of frankness from a staff…well, it was a bit different from a conventional lecturer…
Did something solid regarding our project…
I am all alone at home now, priya and mom have gone to visit avva, and dad is at Tirunelveli attending a friend’s son’s wedding.
Well, Priya is my dear little sister, doing Engineering. Here I should mention something, she is like one of my fingers, kinda ‘cant do without‘ person for me. In a lot of issues, her comments and thoughts guide me. (Hey Priya don’t fly ma)
I’ll introduce all my friends here, in due course, of course.
I made a good propaganda today of my starting a blog…Blogging culture is almost nil among the student community here, as far as I know. Looks like I’ve set a precedent…Lemme see how it goes….
People are crazy of Manmathan’s songs I guess, it seems. Dj, for sure is. Dj is a dear friend of mine.
That’s it for today….

Thought for the day:
Do not emotionalize trouble!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ur thought was cool

Never emotionalise success also

stay cooooooool